0.2.0 Devlog. Tech-"not a demo", but also still a demo?

Hey! This Game Is Alive!

What? This game is alive? Yeah… more than my other projects, and by a lot.

Hold on… “”?

Sorry I dropped the number :(

Hey! So currently the version of the game is “1.1.0” right?

yeah no not really.

When I originally made this game for the Wowie Game Jam 4.0, I never thought id come back and do a major update, let alone have any ideas of making it into a full game (not a guarantee still…) and so I set the version to be “1.0.0”, then eventually came back to fix some performance issues and add some menus (which was “1.1.0”, the current version of the game). Plans changed, and inspiration came, and so I regressed the version of the game by 0.99!, putting the current version of the game to “”.

What is “”?

Aggressive schema versioning enforcement

So, back to the topic on hand, what’s version “” then? Well first things first, I have more than 3 days to make the game now and a lot more knowledge about what makes a game “good” so I can put WAY more effort into things like art, levels, physics, enemy (just one, for now) and just general polish.

Here’s a little comparison to show you what I mean (left image is of, and the right is the alpha) Screeshot0.2.0.0 Alpha r329 Screenshot

See! No soulless death stare from the main character! And hey, my eyes burn but in a good way!

What’s coming in “”?

Hoping it’s numbers!

Alright, lets get more specific as to whats coming in the “” update, which aims to make this less of a tech-demo and more of a demo-demo. Complete visual overhaul, everything doesn’t look like it was made in MS Paint. A complete remaster of the original 3 levels, 3 NEW levels filling the spaces between, oh and of course a more informative and sensible tutorial. Speaking of sensible, an actual story, or more so the beginning of one (I think you’ll like it). Options and a lil extra content plus secrets. HOPEFULLY mobile support, depends on whether the compiler wants to work for android or not, though I can guarantee HTML5 however some features will have to be removed because of general inconvenience on both ends.

And probably the biggest part of the update

A functioning in-game level editor.

Had to disable this grid because currently it makes then game run at 10fps

Partway through development I realized using an external editor wouldn’t work and would make the game take infinity to create, especially with something I wanted to add. (but that’s a secret for now) Plus, the editor was very rigid with requiring all rooms top have the same number and types of layers, like, seriously? But its not their fault, being honest, HaxeFlixel barely supports it. But anyways, another thing coming with making a level editor is preventing custom levels from becoming bland, which is why i need to make like, 5 new tilesets apart from the main one used in the official levels and 30 different decoration objects. Though even then, you might want to use your own sprites and tilesets which is exactly why I’m allowing support for packing in custom graphics, sounds and music with your levels, whatever you need! oh right, sounds and music… i need to make those.



Remember, the game is in ALPHA right now for a reason, a lot of this stuff is outlined yet not complete. Anyways, how about something a little interesting to end off hmm? HaxeFlixel (The game engine used for this) is built on top of OpenFL, an OpenGL version of Flash, so that means Enemielution is (technically) a Flash game!

Well that’s all for now.

Thanks for reading this, See ya! -Millie

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